Archive for October 23, 2020

Educators’ digital identity

We must overcome the view that there is a separate and independent virtual world and a physical world, as if the physical world were the “real thing” and in the virtual world there where “we are free”. Reality is everything: the physical (analog) and the virtual (digital). Both what we do in the virtual world and what we share in the physical world shape who we are, express values, and give reality our personal nuance.

Digital identity is made up of every word, image, audio or video we share on the Internet. This is done through social media, but also on blogs, websites, forums, you tube channels, online games, and more.

The freedom to say what one wants or to be as it is in the virtual world has conditions that deserve reflection and action:

First: ALL messages, images or videos that an educator shares on the Internet, as well as in the physical world, must be based on values ​​of respect, tolerance and commitment to a more just and supportive world. Assertiveness thus becomes a communicative goal that educators must aspire to in all the interactions they establish, whether in the physical world or in the virtual world.

Second: We can and must defend ideals and be active in the virtual world, always with the awareness that our learners, their families and the companies where we will work see us, read us and listen to us.

In short, it is a matter of understanding that our digital identity speaks of who we are and exposes us to the world. Being aware of this determines every image shared, every like, every comment we make on the Internet.

Pixelkult – Pixabay

October 23, 2020 at 11:32 am Leave a comment


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